Expert Talk

Entrepreneurship Awareness Program

Department arranged one day Entrepreneurship Awareness Program To spread the thought of entrepreneurship Programs for the final year students to understand the entrepreneurial culture and environment in such a way that students get encouraged opting for entrepreneurial career rather than searching for a job.

Foreign Study

Students are guided for foreign studies by experts. They got very inspired by seminar and learn about how to go for studies in foreign.


Pro/ENGINEER is a computer graphics system for modeling various mechanical designs and for performing related design and manufacturing operations. The system uses a 3D solid modeling system as the core, and applies the feature-based, parametric modeling method. Pro/ENGINEER is a feature-based, parametric solid modeling system with many extended design and manufacturing applications.


The main purpose of this Expert talk is to improving the subject basic depth with practical approach and also learns how to converts our thoughts to real field applications.


"INTRODUCTION OF SSME AND ITS WORKING" In his topic he covered the foundation and development of SSME and its member and various posts offered to them. He also informed about the different departments like mechanical, physics, electronics, civil, metallurgy, structural etc.
